Thursday, June 20, 2013

This is  chart that shows something called "The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship". Its very important to pay attention to every one of these elements online!

Digital Citizenship Video

Watch our video on digital citizenship! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Twitter is a one of the many social networks teens can access. It allows people to "tweet" or compose in a short message their thoughts, feelings, mood, etc. It's such a widely known app that over 177 million tweets are sent out per day, and 460,000 people join per day. On the topic of digital citizenship one way to uphold it on twitter is to not tweet about people negatively, and don't tweet anything you wouldn't actually say either cause it may give people false interpretations of your character. Just have fun on twitter, and be a respectful digital citizen! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Stop Cyberbullying

Here is a group of facts and statistics of cyber bullying that our group has put together. Cyber bullying affects over half of teens in the United States alone, and is proven to cause the same affects to the victim as bullying in person.

Cyberbullying Stats

This is a chart that shows some information on cyber bullying. We might not think of cyber bullying as a big issue, but one look the many facts on this issue and its easy to tell that this problem is real, and needs to stop now.

Digital Citizenship Pledge

Take the pledge to be a good Digital Citizen. This video shows just a few 9th grade students who were willing to take the pledge.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

What is Digital Citizenship

What is Digital Citizenship?
                           Digital Citizenship is the idea of teaching people good online conduct, and how to be a good citizen in the online world. Who are you online, do you demonstrate good manners and behavior the way you do in the real world? Hopefully this blog will help you improve and maintain proper digital etiquette.